DevOps and Cloud

DevOps and Cloud Services

DevOps and Cloud Services

Enhance collaboration between the management, engineering, security, and development teams to streamline and organise DevOps by UTK to optimise your software development life cycle (SDLC).

What we offer

Implementing the best cloud architecture and DevOps practises, as applied by our cross-functional team with 9+ years of experience, can bring you faster product development and deployment, improved quality and efficiency, increased delivery capacity, stability, and resilience to failures, among other benefits.

DevOps and Cloud Services

CI/CD services

With continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), you can speed up software development and reduce time to market. With the help of our CI/CD solutions, we hope to reduce the mean time between releases and the release cycle, while also facilitating easy deployment and seamless integration of product code updates into the main repository. DevOps engineers continually conduct automated tests to maintain rigorous control throughout the SDLC.

Managed DevOps

Managed DevOps Use managed DevOps to automate and hasten application development, testing, and delivery while moving through the prototyping and deployment phases more quickly. UTK guarantees the high quality of the CI/CD pipeline based on best practises and combines the best development and testing technologies for continuous integration procedures. UTK is an experienced service provider.

AWS Consulting

Utilise the best of Amazon Web Services by working with a team of AWS certified DevOps engineers who are comfortable designing and maintaining your cloud production systems, optimising your IT infrastructure and making efficient use of your resources, using a CI/CD approach, proactive hardware and software monitoring, and conducting regular security audits of environments, applications, and networks.

IT infrastructure implementation

Establish effective DevOps workflows and a modern IT infrastructure to stay on top in a cutthroat market. By collaborating with UTK, you can be sure that your network infrastructure plan will be dependable and well-designed, that a precise technology stack will be chosen, along with techniques for ongoing infrastructure optimisation, and that a highly customised cloud architecture will be easily implemented.

Why Entrust Your DevOps to UTK

Development Process Automation
Development Process Automation

The majority of development procedures are just mechanical tasks that are easily automatable. A group of skilled DevOps engineers will speed up the current development cycles while preserving the high quality of the final output.

Response Monitoring
Response Monitoring

The DevOps team will offer tools to make it simpler to monitor user responses and quicker to respond to indicators that deviate from expectations. You will find it easier to adjust your business offer to market shifts and subsequently provide superior product upgrades as a result of them.

Lower Project Cost
Lower Project Cost

Time and money are both saved by simplifying processes. Early fault discovery and correction are made easier by test automation and standardised development cycles. Engineers will have more time to devote to pressing issues rather than unimportant details.

Choose What’s Relevant For Your Business

Centralized log management and automated environment

Version management and control

Virtualization of data, infrastructure and services

Consistent configuration automation at network, server, storage and software levels

Release and deployment orchestration

Continuous delivery pipeline automation and optimization

Let’s talk